After reading the introduction and foreword for the book “Someplace like America: Tales from the New Great Depression” I have come to my own conclusions about the shape my country. What the author, Dale Maharidge, was trying to express to his audience, in my opinion, was how our country is falling apart. After reading about many stories that Maharidge points out, I have opened my eyes and taken notice of many similar events. Though not exact or as big or noticeable, I have come to the conclusion that America is not the same country that it was starting out.
Maharidge mentions the 1930’s a lot and all I have to go on is that I know that the great depression took place at that time. I didn’t live it and I don’t know anyone that did. I am sure many people didn’t think that they would make it during such hard times. It must have been real scary to know that that country that you believed in and trusted just threw its people away like trash. Ok, that might be slightly exaggerated.
The title of Maharidge’s book mentions “The New Great Depression”. This is referring to the condition of the current economy, which pretty much sucks…a lot. In some eyes it truly is another great depression, but for others such as myself I personally have not been affected. I understand that the country is in debt but I have only heard about it, not experienced it. The truth is we shouldn’t be in debt at all. If a country is run properly then nearly everything should run smoothly. This can’t always be the case because there are always going to be outside factors like other countries and the occasional crooked politician.
That leads me to another problem that Maharidge points out. He takes notice of how most senators and other politicians ignore the people who are not of the same class as them. For example Maharidge talks about the homeless people of Santa Barbara, California and how they were mistreated and had threats made against them by police officers and other higher class citizens. These ‘homeless people’ have done no harm to any of the people threatening them. The only thing that they are trying to do is survive and all the other people can think about is how they don’t like them sleeping underneath a big tree in the park. To me, that is ridiculous. All I can think about in that situation is why these higher class folks aren’t helping these homeless people. For Pete’s sake they don’t have a home to go to! Where would they go if they were pushed away from their tree? Another tree? This situation wouldn’t have happened if these so called politicians that represent the people actually stood up and represented the people and helped these homeless people find shelter and get back on their feet. But all they can think of is how they can spend their money on something that benefits them instead. These people make me sick.
Just as Maharidge describes, I too believe that this ‘great nation’ is essentially corrupt. Maharidge may not have said so directly but I think it should be said. Don’t get me wrong I love this country, but sometimes I think our officials run this country like a big, oversized game of monopoly and the higher class gets to be the car while everyone else is stuck being the old shoe because all the other pieces are missing.
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